Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Meditation”
It's Been a Ride
How It Started
My life was going along pretty great. I was feeling good in all phases of my life: spiritual, mental, and physical. Work was going well. I was getting ready for our wedding, and getting the van ready for a trip out West.
And then I remembered that I needed to get that mammogram scheduled.
I got the mammogram. I always have to go back for a second one and an ultrasound, so when that happened I wasn’t too concerned. But when I was getting the ultrasound, I kinda had a feeling this time was different. That feeling was confirmed when the radiologist came in to double check. He explained to me that I had a lump that’s been there for years, but this time something looked different about it, and the only way to check it out is a biopsy.
Just When You Think You're Out
They Pull You Back In
This week I got to meet with both my surgeon and oncologist. I received the results from the second surgery, and the good news is that we have clean margins this time, so no more surgery. So that second surgery that I really, really didn’t want to have, was really, really important for me to have.
The less good news is that the lump of cancer cells in there was bigger than they thought.
Learning Patience
Patience Patience Patience
I’m not a naturally patient person. The patience I have has been acquired painfully, but I’ve learned to make those lessons easier.
I’ve learned to pay attention and to honor painful, scary, or confusing situations by asking what I can learn from each one. I’ve even reached the point where I welcome the opportunity to learn from the experience. Sometimes. Eventually.
Having to go back for a second surgery was an opportunity to learn. I didn’t want to go back because the first one was so trying. But there wasn’t a good option that would let me avoid going back to surgery. So what could I learn from this experience?
Give Up Perfection for Balance
Perfectionism is a Lie That Ruins Your Health
“Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgement, and shame. It’s a shield. It’s a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from flight.”